Friday, September 23, 2005

Panel Discusses Options and the Parchment Valley Agreement

Panel Discussion 1:15 PM

Basis of discussion: the ABC/USA is broken beyond repair.

Dr. Scott Gibson (ABE President, Professor of Preaching, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

Dr. Vic Gordon (VP; FBC Huntington-Beach Fountain Valley, CA)

Bill Nicoson

Three questions for discussion sessions later:

1. Do we want to organize a new group?
2. What will the new group look like?
3. How do we get there?
4. What’s the desired outcome?

Comments from Scott Gibson

Reflecting on the birth of ABE in PA
The importance of Biblical authority
The issue of homosexuality is only a “presenting problem”; the real issue is (and always has been) Biblical authority.
The rebuffs from VF; especially at Denver (2005)
Now, a new tact must be taken.
Transition: now from renewal to a new beginning
New developments: PSW separation announcement
Parchment Valley Agreement

“We are at a sea-change.”

“That’s all I can stands and I can’t stands no more.” --Popeye

This is an “Esther moment.”

Comments from Vic Gordon

To continue from Bill and Scott
Ephesians 4: real unity
Concern: that we not split out in a thousand directions
Unity for the sake of mission

But, “These are dangerous days for us.”

Diversity can only be celebrated if there is an over-arching unity.
Imagine what 1,000 faithful churches can do compared to 5,600 churches in a dysfunctional system.

What about churches in regions that will not become part of the new movement?

The Panel Discussion

Q: Report on Parchment Valley.
A: Larry Swain (OH) and Al Fletcher (ME) took question

Al: What did ME to PSW? Nothing. PVA: a statement of continuing relationship.
Larry: Mid-West regions began meeting together a few years ago. Extend to other Execs in other parts of the country. “We need each other.” Need of authentic relationships with each other, especially a way to affirm Dale Salico.

It is obvious that Larry and Al are a bit “stuck in-between” and have to measure their comments. They are not to be blamed for this.

Q: Are they formulating a plan?
A: Only indirectly…this is going to be a long and varied process.

Q: (to Vic) What did the PSW Board do?
A: We are in the process of withdrawing from the budget covenant. Board must vote again in December. A special meeting of churches to vote on action will be called in March 2006.

Q: (to Mark Schipul) What will be ABCPSW become?
A: We don’t know…we want to be bold without being arrogant.

Comment from Lee Hamby (FBC Alhambra): the new name will be Pacific Southwest Baptist Churches.

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