Tuesday, February 17, 2009

From the West Wing to the Camellia Parade

Two items today:

I was asked in an email about responding to a letter that I recognized as a ripp-off from a (in)famous scene from the late TV show The West Wing. The fictional president tears into a Dr. Laura stand-in who is well-known for opposing homosexuality, besting her (so it would seem) on Biblical references. The upshot is that, hey, that Bible is one crazy book. So it says no to gay relationships? The same crazy book OKs slavery and tells you to do all kinds of nutty things. (You can find the clip on Youtube.)

Hank Hanegraaff (boy that name is a killer to spell) has a good response which you can read here.

Dan Kimball of Vintage Faith Church in Santa Cruz once showed the clip in his 20-something church and then spent weeks responding to the issues that the fictional Pres. Bartlett raised. Dan is emerging (pardon the pun) as a true leader in what might be called the conservative emergent church movement.

Now to change the topic. Please pray for DRY WEATHER ON SATURDAY MORNING. Yesterday's long-range forecast was no rain, cloudy and 70 at the time of the Camellia Parade. We're planning to give out over 1000 water bottles with a invitational message to parade goers. Today's long-range now says scattered showers. Ask God to scatter them somewhere else, please!

I didn't announce this Sunday, but if you want to join me for prayer for the maximum spiritual impact of the outreach, I'm planning on praying with anyone who'll join me 7 PM Wednesday here at the church office. Send me an email at glenn@templecitybaptist.org if you'd like to join me.

Here's what I'm asking you to pray for: that God would move people who He's already at work in their hearts to come to the parade, get a water bottle, and recognize that as God's answer--that He wants to use FBC as the spiritual bridge for them to come to real faith in Jesus.

We're doing well getting ready for the outreach, but have room for you if you want to help, send me an email at the address above and I'll send you more info as well as a short Bible study on servant evangelism.

See you there!

Pastor Glenn

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